This podcast, the Capital 101 Show for Real Estate Investors is a section by section outline of Dave’s full day webinar which he periodically presents on line. Dave embodies a genuine excitement for the topic of marketing to raise investor interest for real estate deals. In these episodes, Dave touches on all the hi lites of his Investor Attraction program. He Connects with listeners by relating to them in a down to Earth style. Some of the episodes even include testimonials from folks who have completed his full course. I am also someone who completed the course with success. Dave shows you how to use “edutainment” to capture and hold people’s attention. He shows you how to break down your presentation and keep it simple. His staff is responsive and caring in helping clients through every phase of the program. For people new to Dave’s marketing program, this podcast is a good way to obtain a quick overview of how the program can help you raise money for your real estate deals. For folks who have completed the program, listening to these episodes is a good refresher that helps prevent fizzling out. They remind me of the importance of consistency in marketing to capture and maintain investors’ interest in my deals.